Shout out to Brian Kayser the interviewer and transcriber who does a load of the work here. I come in on the interludes and we do an amount of editing and proof reading together [as if you couldn’t tell!!]. It’s been cool working on these 4 volumes and I hope we keep em goin into the future. Number 5 virtually in the can yo…
Includes interviews with:
Kwest Tha Madd Lad, Juggaknots, Shazam X, Eb. F (Various Blends) & Omega (Mhorlocks)
Artwork by Mark563 – shout out to Mark for always comin’ through with the dopeness!
CHBOOK04 The Interviews Vol 4 [BOOK]
Includes interviews with:
Kwest Tha Madd Lad, Juggaknots, Shazam X, Eb. F (Various Blends) & Omega (Mhorlocks)